Fruit Juice Would be Beneficial for the Heart

According to studies by scientists in France, eating a mixture of grape juice, black currants and blueberries, could bring important benefits for the heart. Fruit Juice Would be Beneficial for the Heart

Investigadorecorazóns tested the fruit mixture in arteries of pigs and found that the effect was a relaxation of the walls of the same. The research was released in the publication of the Royal Society of Chemistry in the UK.

However, scientists noted that still pending to determine whether fruit juice can improve the health of the human heart.

Meanwhile, the British Heart Foundation said the study confirms that the fruits and vegetables reduce the risk of heart disease. Fish is also good for the heart.

The previous study are added investigations revealed that eating fish at least twice a week may be beneficial for the heart. Thus, salmon and sardines - for example - prevent the risk of thrombosis or prevent cancer, as well as angina and heart attacks.