Funny Birthday Messages for Friends

Funny Birthday Messages for Friends bisa anda berikan lewat SMS, email maupun BBM tentunya untuk teman anda yang lagi ulang tahun. Seperti halnya Funny Birthday Messages artikel tentang funny birthday jokes, funny birthday greetings, funny birthday wishes, funny birthday comments, funny birthday sayings, funny birthday poems, funny birthday cards, funny birthday quotes untuk kesempatan mendatang akan apihyayan blog posting. Ok di bawah ini adalah Funny Birthday Messages for Friends untuk anda teman.

"On Your birthday, I would like to give you some pearls of wisdom...Smile while u still have your teeth intact."

"Count your blessings, not your wrinkles."

"Don't worry about your future, I am sure you will have a bright one, don't worry about the past, you can't change it, don't worry about the present, I have not got one for you!"

"You're not thirty; you're eighteen with twelve years of experience."
"May this birthday not be your last!"

"Another year, another new place that aches."

"You've survived another year. Although you're older, it's better than the alternative." Congratulations!

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