Interesting Friendship Quotes

Interesting Friendship Quotes

"We've shared so much laughter, so many tears. We're a spiritual bond that grows stronger each year. We're not sisters by birth, but we knew from the start, something put us together to be sisters by heart."
~ Meghan.

"Friendship is like a bank. Don't expect to get too much out if you don't put something in."
~ Ron Hall.

"The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand,or the kindly smile, or the joy of companionship. It is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when he discovers that someone else believes in him and is willing to trust him with his friendship."
~ Unknown.

Friendship is like the sun above thats always shining bright,
Friendship is like a golden smile that warms the coldest night,
Friendship is a priceless gift of faithfullness and grace,
and nothing in this world could ever take true friendships place..
~ Unknown.