Take care of yourself during menstruation

Take care of yourself during menstruation - In addition to the days of low period, previously, premenstrual syndrome may also cause many disorders. To make more bearable the discomfort with which Mother Nature every month appointment, we can resort to many aid really effective, even in the field of nutrition.

A great evils great remedies
Despite all this trouble you should try that changes to suffer during those days did not alter your lifestyle. If the degree of pain is severe or other complications, it is best that you go to the gynecologist but yourself if you want to alleviate this malaise, you can take some simple steps.

Stress is a bad companion, therefore, it is best to learn relaxation methods like yoga, meditation or breathing exercises. Also, a good massage can work miracles. Moreover, exercise also helps that we are better these days, because it improves our blood circulation and prevents uterine muscle tension, which will cause menstrual cramps less intense. Moreover, sports, your body produces hormones called endorphins, which function is to act as an analgesic.

Another great solution is the heat. Taking a warm bath or apply dry heat in the lower abdomen can also relieve pain. However, if the pain is too acute, we can also use drugs. You probably have on hand counter anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen or use your doctor prescribes you.

Foods that you care
Among the possible steps you can take to reduce the inconvenience of menstruation food is very important. In general, we recommend a healthy and varied diet which is low in fat and sugar consumed. Experts recommend including omega 6 and omega 3, found in nuts, fish such as tuna or salmon and oils such as borage, evening primrose primrose or because they seem to have a beneficial effect to relieve both PMS as painful periods.

Moreover, the calcium will help to relieve muscle contractions and some other annoyances. Linked to this, vitamin D is essential because it helps the absorption of this mineral. Nor can they miss fruits and vegetables in our diet. Fruit juices are highly recommended to relieve headache.
Soy is another cross-staff of our agency, which helps regulate levels of estrogen and progesterone. It is generally advisable to consume more foods rich in vitamin B6 to stabilize hormone levels, such as whole grain cereals, green vegetables, lean red meat, dairy products, eggs, chicken and fish. Another vitamin, the letter E is also very necessary.

Goodbye to bad habits
In addition to eating a more balanced and healthy, avoiding some bad habits can be crucial when the pain away. With this in mind, avoid stress and reduces the consumption of caffeinated beverages. It is also recommended not to drink too much alcohol and, preferably, get rid of the habit of snuff.

During those days, tend to retain more fluid, so the experts advise drinking plenty of water and lower salt intake. This will make your body work better and feel less bloated. Can help yourself to juices and teas.

Finally, some experts recommend drinking chocolate during menstruation because it can lessen the pain of colic, as well as take away the evil spirits. There are even studies that say that this sweet counteracts the effects of premenstrual syndrome because of its influence on the hormonal system.