Why nutrition is important for your child

Why nutrition is important for your child - Nutrition therapy, Proper nutrition is important for all children but especially for children who are receiving treatment for cancer. This is because many of the factors associated with the disease, including its treatments can affect appetite and the child's tolerance to certain foods, as well as the body's ability to absorb the food.

The effects of cancer therapy and nutritional status of children depends on each individual. A dietitian can help determine the child's specific nutritional goals and offer ideas of how the child can meet these special needs.

Eating well, children with cancer remain the strongest, can tolerate the treatments and side effects better, and continue to grow and progress. Eating well means eating a variety of foods to get all essential nutrients for growth, more food needed to help fight the disease. The essential nutrients include protein, carbohydrates, fat, water, vitamins and minerals.

Nutrition Basics

It is important to understand each meal along with the ways that gives children the nutrition they need. For example, oral feeding, tube feeding or total parenteral nutrition.



Protein is an essential nutrient needed for growth, repair body tissue and maintenance of immune function. Low intake of protein slows the recovery from illness and decreases the child's resistance against infections. During illness, the need for protein increases child. The child who is receiving cancer therapy requires up to 50 percent more protein than normal, or 1 1 / 2 of the amount needed for a child of similar age not receiving cancer treatment. This is because after surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, the additional protein is usually needed to heal tissues and help prevent infection.
Carbohydrates and fats

Carbohydrates and fats are the source of energy (calories) the body. The calorie needs of each individual depends mainly on age, size and activity level. It is also very important to provide adequate calories for infants, children, and adolescents to promote proper growth and development. Patients receiving cancer therapy require additional calories to support tissue healing and staying strong. The child who is receiving cancer treatment may need 20 percent more calories than normal, or 1 1 / 5 of the amount the average child.

Vitamins and minerals

Vitamins and minerals serve many important functions in the body. Many are essential for proper growth and development, and use energy from food. Usually sufficient vitamins and minerals can be obtained if a balanced diet is consumed, and if the child eats enough calories and protein. However, it can sometimes be difficult for the child who is undergoing cancer treatment consume vitamins and minerals, if appetite problems last long. If you can not provide enough nutrition, the doctor may prescribe a daily multivitamin and mineral supplement that meets 100 percent of the child's food needs.


Water and fluids are very important for a child's body. If the child is not drinking fluids, or the child suffering from vomiting or diarrhea, he / she can become dehydrated. A dehydrated child may feel weak or dizzy. Ask your doctor, nurse or registered dietitian how much fluid your child needs to prevent dehydration.