The fruit and its benefits, a source of health for our bodies

The fruit and its benefits, a source of health for our bodies, The fruit is a source of health for our bodies because it contains large amounts of vitamins, minerals and fiber without adding calories. Unaccustomed or bad habits do not profit from all its advantages. In Beauty and Health Blog we tell some of their properties and benefits.

The fruit needs no preparation, just wash it or peel it, so do not waste time in the kitchen. For this same reason, keep all your vitamins, because it is not processed. Some vegetables also contain important vitamins but lost cook. It is best to eat fresh fruit, not canned or cooked, but always better to eat between hours canned fruit than any other high-calorie food.

Children should eat fruit from small, two to three pieces a day. One serving of fruit can be replaced by a natural fruit juice, but it is best to get used from small and eat fresh fruit instead of sweets.
One problem that has faced the fruit is the myth that "fat" and that's not true. In a diet, your doctor may recommend eating the fruit first and then the rest of the meal, instead of leaving it for dessert, as its satiating power accounts for less calories and suppress hunger. This helps us to eat smaller amounts and thus lose weight. Or maybe you tell us not to eat fruit at night because they provide sugars that are not going to burn during those hours. In any case it's recommendations aimed at minimizing the intake of calories by reducing or differently combining what we eat. But the fruit itself is not fattening, in fact no serious diet that includes two or three pieces a day.
  • The apple is a diuretic and stimulates the elimination of toxins through the urine. It also provides vitamins C and B and potassium.
  • The banana is rich in magnesium, zinc and vitamins A and C. Because of its high sucrose content is not recommended for diabetics or low-calorie diets. However, it is ideal before prolonged exercise because it provides the sugars and energy.
  • The orange, and in general all citrus such as lemon, grapefruit or mandarin, are rich in vitamin C and minerals like calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc and to a lesser extent vitamin B1 and folic acid. Its use strengthens the defenses and its fiber combats constipation.
  • The pear is good for soothing cough, lung congestion, gastritis and peptic ulcer.
  • The peach contains vitamins A, B and C and have laxative and diuretic.
  • The melon is a fruit with considerable wealth in carbohydrates, potassium and vitamin A. Fruit is a diuretic, laxative and preventive some sore throats.
  • The watermelon is made in 93% water, making it a potent diuretic agent, well suited for patients of heart and kidney. As the melon is rich in vitamin A, carbohydrates and potassium.
  • The ripe grapes must be eaten whole, skin and seeds, as in the grape skins are substances called fablonoides trigger movement and the seeds and peels reduce cholesterol levels.
  • The pineapple adds a lot of vitamin A and is special because it brings a lot of fiber, which confers a high satiating power. Furthermore, the heart of the pineapple contains brome Lina, used to activate the metabolism. For this reason it is especially recommended in slimming diets. It is also indicated to cure hoarseness that taking pineapple disappear in 24 hours.