The Dangers Of Excess Body Fat

If you want to see smart and sexy and want to live a healthy life then you need to reduce their extra weight. To that end, must make a plan to reduce excess body fat. It is very useful for maintaining good health, the prevention of disease. It is known that obesity is very dangerous for health and longevity. Let us first define obesity. When body fat than twenty-five percent of body mass in men and thirty-two percent women, this condition is called obesity.

After the amount of excess body fat can lead to many diseases like heart disease, cancer and diabetes. The polls show that in the United States each year, 3 out of 4 people die either of heart problems or cancer.

If you are obese, then you need more energy to breathe, your heart will require further efforts to pump blood to your lungs and the large amount of fat, which is present in your body. This condition can lead to high blood pressure in his body due to extra load on your heart. Your heart can become enlarged, which is a dangerous condition and then you may suffer from irregular heartbeats.

Because obesity and inadequate functioning of the heart, the main parts of your body as the brain, kidneys, etc are unable to achieve good blood supply. Obesity also causes your heart to pump harder which can lead to high blood pressure. Increased blood pressure is a painful condition in itself and can cause other problems as well. People with this disease always have the possibility of getting a heart attack and kidney problems. Nearly twenty five percent of all heart diseases are caused due to obesity. Obesity is also a cause of high cholesterol in your body, which ultimately causes other problems in the body.
Medical research has shown that the increased amount of body fat and cancer have some type of relationship. Body fat is considered as a home for carcinogens. Carcinogen is a chemical that causes cancer in human body. In women cause breast and uterine cancer. In men, colorectal and prostate cancer is caused by obesity.

In the human body, there is a natural balance between body fat, insulin and blood sugar. Extra amount of sugar in the blood fills the liver and other organs of the main body. When these organs are completely filled with sugar, blood sugar becomes fat. There is also evidence that those who suffer from obesity more amount of insulin in your body. This is because the pancreas continues to make excessive insulin. Therefore, the body is unable to use this excess insulin and then causes diabetes. This also is a very alarming if not treated properly and timely and can also lead to other life threatening diseases like heart disease, kidney problems, blindness, amputations and even may be the cause of death. The Dangers Of Excess Body Fat