Cute Quotes for Facebook Profile

Cute Quotes for Facebook Profile, cute quotes for facebook profile pictures, cute quotes for facebook status

"I am The Author Of My Life" && I'm Currently Writing In Pen; I Can't Erase My Mistakes All I Can Do Is Learn From Them; Everything I've Been Through In Life; Shapes Me Into The Beautiful Young Lady I am Today; As The Days Go On I Get Wiser && Strong ... ♥ ...

"Would like the opportunity to prove that winning the lottery would NOT ruin my life"

I'm thinking about thinking but i don't know what to think about so i think i should just stop thinking before i think too much! :P

"Wants to say thank you to all the people who walked into my life and made it outstanding and all the people who walked out of my life and made it fantastic "

"Some things are worth FIGHTING FOR, some things are just NOT WORTH the fight, and everything else..JUST SHAKE YOUR HEAD AND LAUGH..It doesn't matter anyway!"
Express yourself about what you feel and your mantra of life in your Facebook profile. Use any of the good quotes to live by. If not quotes, just write a few lines about yourself.

"If U feel stressed, give urself a break. Eat some ice cream, chocolates, candy and cake. Y.? Bcoz STRESSED spelled backwards is DESSERTS!! Enjoy Life.:-), That's my style? Come, Join me..."

"Poke me if you have had a crush on me , like this if you think i'm cute , inbox me if you ever wanted a relationship , put a smile if we are friends =] , put an angry face if you don't like me :@ or put a heart if you wanna be more than friends ♥ . Now let's see who is brave enough to put this as their status :)"

"Love me or Hate me. Either way im still on your mind :p"
