Drink plenty of water is good or bad?

Drink plenty of water is good or bad? - Many diets and beverage advertisements advise drinking lots of fluids! .. But this is really healthy? I leave an interview with a doctor who tells us the truth about the amount of water that we drink ..

Interview with Dr. Juan José Rufilanchas Sánchez (JJ), cardiovascular surgeon at the Ruber International Hospital in Madrid.
Interviewer: Julio César Iglesias (JC), journalist.

"Right now we have JC fashion extraordinary consumption of water, 2 or 3 liters of water a day. Is it objectively good water use and in what proportion?

JJ 60% - 70% of our weight is water. There is a trend that is continually being on water, and that's that for a normal person does not have much significance, especially for cardiac patients is an outrage, because ultimately, what they do is end up with heart failure or fluid on foot or in the gut, which we call edema, and no sense that these patients are taking diuretics to remove water and salt, which is what they do not handle well, and yet are taking 2 or 3 liters of water daily, as I do believe the media: newspapers, television ...

JC How much water we consume?

JJ If you have good kidneys, heart, good and hypothalamus, where the center of thirst, it also must drink what is thirsty, or a drop a drop more or less.

What happened? Well, first there is a major marketing campaign for everyone to drink water, and sure to fill the pockets of entrepreneurs who do not know, and second, the phenomenon of being right. The beauticians are our greatest enemies, are convinced that women and men, too, that drinking lots of water are removed wrinkles, and it is not true because not a single wrinkle removing drinking water. I invite our listeners to do a test.

Now weighed in and then drink 2 liters of water, weighed again and weighed 2 kg more, as each liter of water weighs one kilo. That water goes to the kidneys, which filter will be sending it to the bladder. When they start to urinate, urinate 1 to 2 hours this water. It weighed weighed again and the same thing at first. What have you done? They have shared water body. After those 2 hours, the number of water molecules in your body, is exactly the same as were 2 hours earlier.

The danger is dehydration but no water intoxication. Athletes in marathons die or collapse, we know since 2002, which is water intoxication. In the Boston Marathon, 2002, to 488 runners took their blood before and after running the marathon, and it was found that most of the runners had low sodium, ie, had drunk too much water, and that is collapsing and coming to the finish and lost consciousness or were confused, not knowing what they did, they all had water intoxication. None of those who had some dehydration, had no problem of confusion or syncope, ie that what kills is the water intoxication and not dehydration.

JC What are the effects of lower rates of sodium?

JJ From a low sodium, less than 125 parts per 1000, will begin to have tremors, confusion, memory loss and at the end we may collapse and possibly die. I have here the picture of an English girl who had taken drugs, was found ill and thought he was dehydrated and drank 3 or 4 liters of water immediately, and what's going on? That until the kidneys begin to filter the water, the cells swell and swell temporarily brain cells, which are stuffed into a chest, which is the skull which can not expand, therefore, cells brain are trapped and can reach a nerve disorder that leads to coma and death. Because of this mechanism is that people die running in marathons, because they come into cerebral edema and may eventually die from a water intoxication.
JC Do syncope are always serious accidents?

JJ Not necessarily. There vasovagal syncope who have little significance. Syncope is a warning sign that should be studied. There are many types of syncope, such as fainting is syncope and no one is alarmed by a faint no more.

What would JC natural consumption, acceptable, plausible water?

JJ There are two points. The person making a normal life and the athlete or person who trains a lot. The person who does not exercise any important, you have to drink what you're thirsty, not a drop a drop more or less.

We thirst center, for example if you take an anchovy now contains much salt, five minutes you need to drink, and asks what your body drinking water is the exact amount you need to dissolve salt containing the anchovy. Mechanism is so thin that you can not duplicate anyone, and especially can not duplicate the TV, where you see an ad that invites you to take 2 or 3 liters of water a day.

That is misleading and someone should lay its hands on this story, because that only leads to much money people earn is cheating us. Athletes is another problem has always been said the athletes' drinking ahead "and that also has been transmitted also to the public. Well, it is clear that good athletes, who won the marathon, has drunk a lot less water than reaching the final. The latter is the one who has been drinking all the time and you end up with water intoxication.

Well, maybe baby it is not good and her career instead of 2 hours does 6.horas good athletes drink little, if anything, are a little dehydrated, non-hydrated. Being hydrated is not good.

JC do you feel that drinking 3 liters of water a day is an outrage?

JJ Yes, I think a lot, since all you're doing is sharing its water. If indeed the water would have served some purpose, the next morning weigh 3 kilos more.

JC Not even some improvement in the kidney, no cleaning has been no phone? I talk about topics that we hear.

JJ at all, there is no cellular cleansing. In any case, what we do is to work more or kidney without. " (translate from : http://www.taringa.net)