How to lose weight and keep it up

How to lose weight and keep it up, If you want to lose weight and keep it for life, then you must set reasonable goals to make them easier to follow.

How to lose weight and keep it up is also important that weight loss have a good attitude toward this idea. You have to be sure you really have to achieve, and not only that, but once we reached our goal to stay well.

Remember that not only trying to lose that extra kilos, but our health is at stake and not merely fashionable to be slim.
Please be aware that being slim is very attached to a different lifestyle, perhaps at this moment that we have, so it is necessary to continuously track our goal and not left to one side to the first opportunity.

Steps to lose and never gain weight again :
  • Stand on a scale and note how many kilos is over.
  • He thinks that losing weight is to gain health, that this way of thinking with you from this day.
  • Investigate the rate of nutritional and caloric values ​​of foods, if possible keep them in a table in your kitchen.
  • Do not wait any longer, start today preparing five or six small meals throughout the day.
  • Respects the pattern of daily servings you need from the different types of food as the food pyramid.
  • The food base has to be breakfast, it should contain plenty of germ and wheat bran.
  • Enough fiber and fluid to start the day for the rest of the day manifestation of a binge eating disorder.
  • Try not to skip any meals, in addition, two of them, mid-morning and mid afternoon, should be preferably fruit.
  • Get used to vary the meals each day to avoid the monotony that can sooner or later move away from this ideal way of eating and thinking.
  • Practice every day 15 minutes of stretching and 15 minutes of cardiovascular exercise, either aerobic, jogging, tennis or basketball.
  • The only programs that have been successful worldwide to lose weight and stay in the "ideal weight", have been those that combine diet and exercise.