How to fight cellulite with natural juice

How to fight cellulite with natural juice - Fruits and vegetables have components that are very beneficial for our body, and that can help us naturally and economically. Just have to know which are appropriate as the goal.


Causes and help to eliminate and combat cellulite. Articles on this website is an accumulation of fat tissue in any area of ​​the body. Fat tissue grows and accommodates dimpling that we can see with the naked eye. Although it is known by its complete disappearance is almost impossible, we can help our body eliminate these deposits of fat and remove toxins from the body. The best way is with natural juices, getting amazing results.

Pineapple juice (pineapple) and cucumber has properties that help reduce cellulite. This juice is refreshing, diuretic, detoxifying and accelerates the repair of damaged tissues, giving the appearance of the skin. All you need to know to protect your skin. Creams, vitamins, care. Articles on this website orange or cellulitis. Its components provide greater elasticity to the skin, gently stimulating the digestive system, regulate glandular function and eliminate toxins. All these actions together make this an ideal juice to combat cellulite. It is clear that the disappearance of cellulite is not one moment to another is a treatment that should be consistent and complement it with a healthy diet, plenty of fluid intake and exercise.

You should drink pineapple juice and cucumber every day for 2 weeks. Descasar 1 week and return to take 1 or 2 times per week as maintenance therapy. His preparation is very simple and only takes a few minutes.
Pineapple and cucumber juice to fight cellulite

  • Pineapple, 2 slices
  • Cucumber, 1
  • Wash and cut into cubes the same size as the cucumber and pineapple.
  • Place the fruit pieces in a juice extractor and collect in a glass.
  • Take it in small sips. If desired, you can add 1 or 2 ice cubes.

Note. Natural pineapple is best, but if we do not, you can use canned.